MIMO-OFDM modulation system
System principle:
A 2 * 2MIMO-OFDM system is successfully built based on the USRP-LW X310 and the radio frequency daughter board UBX-LW 160. The MIMO-OFDM modulation system is a USRP-LW X310 that modulates the source signal with OFDM. After the modulation, the data is encoded by space frequency and sent by two antennas, and the receiving end receives it with two antennas of another USRP-LW X310 for demodulation and decoding.
System application:
MIMO-OFDM technology is the combination of MIMO system and OFDM system, because MIMO technology can generate independent parallel channels in space, simultaneously transmit multiple data streams, improve spectrum utilization and system transmission rate without increasing system bandwidth, while OFDM technology reduces the impact of multipath fading by converting frequency-selective channels into flat channels in the frequency domain. Therefore, the MIMOOFDM system combined with space-time coding technology can achieve two effects: one is to improve the channel capacity and transmission rate of wireless communication systems, and the other is to effectively resist channel fading and suppress interference. It can be said that MIMO-OFDM systems will become one of the most promising solutions for high-speed data transmission over wireless channels, with very broad development prospects, such as LTE, 5G, and B5G communication systems.